A Message from Wine Country

During the second week of the never-ending wildfires, I felt completely overwhelmed and helpless by all of the devastation. I turned on the radio, and someone said (I wish I remembered who), “The best way you can help is to do what you know.”
Possibly the greatest piece of advice.
I started brainstorming ideas for how a video could possibly help in this situation. The one thing that everyone seemed to say was, “We need the tourists to come back. We need them to know that we’re ok.”
So this video is to everyone. Everyone that has ever been to wine country, wanted to come, or hasn’t given it a thought.
Come see us. We’re open for business.
Please join us in rebuilding our community. We’re counting on you.

“Walking the Wire” by Imagine Dragons apple.co/2lL1hiA
Thank you to everyone that made this video possible:
Safari West, Valette Restaurant, Bodell Family, Taylor Maid Organic Coffee, Trione Vineyards and Winery, HALL Wines, Mark & Terri Stark, and David Minard.


Some of the signs around Napa and Sonoma counties: